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News 01 August 2024

JP Smart Grids Contributes to ACER-CEER Consultation on Smart Grid Performance Indicators

The EERA Joint Programme (JP) on Smart Grids has submitted feedback to the ACER-CEER public consultation on guiding principles for evaluating the performance of EU electricity smart grids. This ACER-CEER guidance paper seeks to establish performance indicators that will help monitor and assess the effectiveness of transmission and distribution networks in integrating smart-grid technologies, supporting renewable energy, and enhancing grid flexibility and resilience.

To coordinate this input, a dedicated working group within JP Smart Grids was formed to address key areas such as grid efficiency, reliability, and consumer engagement in the evolving energy landscape. By contributing with a research-driven perspective to this consultation, JP Smart Grids aims to support the development of robust, transparent key performance indicators that accurately reflect the progress and performance of smart grids across Europe. This engagement underscores EERA’s commitment to ensuring that smart grids contribute effectively to Europe’s clean energy goals and the broader energy transition.