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News 04 November 2024

EERA JP Smart Grids and Digitalization for Energy Respond to ACER’s consultation on the Network Code on Demand Response

The EERA Joint Programmes (JPs) on Smart Grids and Digitalization for Energy have jointly responded to ACER’s public consultation on the draft Network Code on Demand Response, by submitting ther feedback on 31 October. This proposed network code aims to set rules enabling greater consumer and resource participation in demand response across Europe, supporting market integration, efficient grid operation, and the growth of renewable energy.

A joint working group was established by the two JPs to collaborate on this response, ensuring a comprehensive feedback that highlights the two JPs perspective on enabling technologies and operational requirements for demand response. By contributing to this consultation, the EERA JPs seek to influence the development of frameworks that prioritize flexibility and digital innovation—key to building a resilient and consumer-centric energy system.

This joint initiative reinforces EERA’s commitment to advancing smart grids and digitalization as fundamental components of Europe’s clean energy transition.