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News 12 July 2024

ENTSO-E Research, Development & Innovation Roadmap 2024 – 2034

ENTSO-E has recently published the latest Research, Development, and Innovation (RDI) Roadmap 2024-2034: a strategic document that outlines the crucial steps needed to transform Europe’s energy system into a sustainable, flexible, digitalised powerhouse, aligning with the EU’s climate and energy objectives.

The Roadmap outlines a ten-year mission to address the current challenges faced by the energy sector and to develop a power system for a carbon-neutral Europe.

The document delineates the key research, development and innovation priorities for the modernisation of the power grid over the ensuing decade. These include three RDI clusters and six missions, comprising more than 90 milestones, which will drive the evolution of the energy system. Each milestone represents a significant accomplishment that is necessary to maintain the security, adequacy, and cost-effectiveness of the power system while facilitating the continued integration of variable and distributed energy sources.

The EERA JP Smart Grids coordinator, Luciano Martini, has actively contributed as part of the drafting team, working closely with ENTSO-E experts on many significant tasks towards the development of the RDI Roadmap 2024-2034.