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Event highlights 03 May 2024 - DTU Risø Campus, Roskilde

JP Smart Grids 2-days event at DTU

On 23-24 April JP Smart Grids members met at DTU - Technical University of Denmark Risø Campus in Roskilde for 2 days of open discussion and strategic planning.

In particular,  during Day 1 the new Management Board has been elected and each candidate, applying as JP Coordinator or sub-programme Coordinator, presented their high motivation for that role and their views and strategy to bolster the JP activity.
Moroever, international initiatives and projects such as RISEnergy, The ERIGrid 2.0 Project, ISGAN, and GPFM - The Green Powered Future Mission have been presented, highlighting opportunities for future partnerships. Finally, we had the opportunity to make a technical visit at the DTU Energy System Integration Lab (SYSLAB), Flexible intelligent laboratory for distributed energy resources, which provided a glimpse into cutting-edge research facilities.

Day 2 featured two interactive workshops and related engaging discussions, dealing with JP new approach on fostering junior researchers’ involvement on key smart grids innovation topics and on defining the Table of Content for a comprehensive White Paper to highlight the crucial role of Smart Grids for the success of the energy transition.